Laws are important because they set a standard for people of right and wrong. My heart is grieved that our nation now has laws that support gay marriage. I am saddened because our legislature has decided to set their own standards of good and evil. They have decided to do what is right in their own eyes.
That is exactly what Adam and Eve decided to do. They rejected God's ideas and decided to do what they thought was right. Their disobedience brought destruction, judgement, and death. All throughout history, man has tried to do things his own way, but God does not change His standards to suit our desires. Our country's change in laws have not changed God's standards.
Who's Been Rejected?
Gays and lesbians have been pushing for legalized same sex marriage and claim that they have been rejected by our government and not given their rights by law. However, they have not been rejected, they have rejected God and want to continue in their disobedience. No one has a right to do what is wrong. Legalizing same sex marriage was not a matter of neglected rights being restored; it was a matter of our legislature neglecting the Word of God. God's gave us laws to show us our sin and to show us His character. Our legislature has essentially denied man's sinfulness and God's character by this decision.
The Real Issue
However, the issue of gay marriage is not first a legal issue. Gay marriage is an issue in individual hearts. When people reject God, they live life their own way. They create laws to suit themselves, and sometimes they even create a God to suit themselves like the Isrealites did. My heart is not only grieved by the law that was just passed, my heart is grieved for the people who are living in darkness and who do not know God. It is my prayer that God would bring revival among them and change their hearts.
Polluted and Attacked
People's view of sexuality is warped and polluted in many ways. There are many distortions of Biblical sexuality. God created sex to be between one man and woman in a lifelong marriage relationship. Sex is a gift that he created to bring joy and intimacy to marriage. However, our culture accepts sex before marriage, sex with others while you are married, sex with multiple people, sex with the same gender, along with pornography. All of these are distortions of good sex as God intended it. Biblical sex is being attacked in many ways. It is constantly attacked by media and our culture, and now it has been attacked by our country's legislature. The only way to gaurd our minds against a polluted view of sex is to renew our minds with God's Word (Rom. 12:2).
My Main Concern
As a Christian, I am concerned about the legalization of gay marriage. However, I am less concerned about this law than what this law reflects about the state of people's hearts in our country. People's souls are at stake. People are rejecting the Word of God and aproving of sin. People are attacking God's truth because they love darkness and the light exposes them. People are broken and have a broken view of sexuality and everything else.
There Is Hope!
Thanks be to God that we are not without hope. God can change the hearts of our people in our nation. When people's hearts are changed, we will then see a change in legislature. Join with me in praying for God to send revival to our nation. Pray that people would turn from their sins and stop living their own way. Pray that God would pour out His Spirit and bring men out of darkness into light. Pray that His Word would be the standard we set, that we would not lean on our own understanding, and that men would aknowledge God in all their ways. Then, be a part of the gospel spreading and share it!
By His Grace,
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Legalized Gay Marriage
Jesus Is My Shepheard
Jesus is my shepherd.
He cares for all my needs.
He pulls me out of danger,
And I follow where he leads.
When I turn aside,
He corrects me with His staff.
He calls, and I hear His voice.
He makes my heart glad.
The good shepheard laid down His life.
He protects His sheep from evil.
He'll bring his flock safely to the fold,
And will destroy the devil.
Jesus is my shepheard,
And I am His lamb.
I'm happy to be close to Him,
And to be led by His hand.
He cares for all my needs.
He pulls me out of danger,
And I follow where he leads.
When I turn aside,
He corrects me with His staff.
He calls, and I hear His voice.
He makes my heart glad.
The good shepheard laid down His life.
He protects His sheep from evil.
He'll bring his flock safely to the fold,
And will destroy the devil.
Jesus is my shepheard,
And I am His lamb.
I'm happy to be close to Him,
And to be led by His hand.
Worthy of Love
Do you know the feeling of fear that someone you want to be loved by will not love you if they knew who you really are? Are you afraid that someone will find out something only you know about yourself? There was another woman who felt this way. She'd been with many men, but she was still trying to be loved. She had had seven husbands, and was with a new man. She found herself face to face with Jesus. She tried to put herself forward as a good woman, but Jesus knew who she was. He did something amazing though. Instead of rejecting her, He told her that He knew who she was, and He still showed her love.
Perhaps when you find yourself looking at Jesus, you feel that you need to make yourself worthy before He will love you. Maybe you have tried to do all the right things and hope that God will love you because you have tried so hard. Perhaps you've spent your whole life in sin and know you are not worthy, and you have given up hope. Maybe people in your life have not accepted you and you think God cannot accept you either. If you have spent your whole life working hard to try to be loved, if you have tried to be worthy, there is something I want to tell you. You will never be worthy.
Friend, I have good news though. God has never loved a person worthy of His love. He choses to love the unworthy. God knows who you really are. He chose to love sinners knowing they were sinners. He made a way to salvation for all of us unworthy sinners through His Son's death in our place and resurrection. When Jesus died on the cross, He did it because He chose to love us not because anyone was worthy. It was not about who we are. It was about who He is. He is gracious and that is what He did because of who He is not because of who we are. The best thing to do when you realize you are unworthy is to run to Christ instead of trying to be worthy without Him. Our pride would have us try to be worthy so that we would have grounds to boast. However, you cannot come to Christ with something to offer. It is impossible. All we can come to Him with is repentance.When we embrace God's mercy as unworthy sinners and let go of our pride and attempts to be worthy on our own, we will be welcomed by God and loved. Then, obedience to Him is our joy and freedom. It becomes an expression of love for Him instead of a desperate attempt to be good enough.
Do you obey God to be worthy of His love, or do you obey God out of love because He's worthy? Have you humbly come to Christ as an unworthy sinner, and are you resting in the Savior's love, or are you desprately trying to earn love and have some type of ground for boasting? Perhaps your religious acts have been your attempt to be worthy. Perhaps you have never come to God as a sinner, but you have always tried to put your self forward as a good person like the woman at the well did. That is a weary task. Come to Jesus broken and sinful, and ask for mercy, and He will give you rest. God will not accept you just the way you are. He will accept you only on the account of His Son's death. Ask God to forgive you. He is willing and able to give you mercy because Christ died and rose again for our sins.
" And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be [f]merciful to me, the sinner!’ I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:9-14
This is a poem I wrote about being unworthy and loved.
-Unworthy Loved-
He knew who I would be
but still created me.
He knows all I have done,
Yet He sent His Son.
Knowing every part of me,
He chose to give mercy.
Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did.
Who knew every sin of mine and not a fault was hid.
I tried to make myself seem worthy.
He knew I wasn't but still loved me.
Come and live, you, who deserve to die.
Come and receive you who cannot buy.
Come and drink the waters of life.
Come unworthy and be loved by God.
Perhaps when you find yourself looking at Jesus, you feel that you need to make yourself worthy before He will love you. Maybe you have tried to do all the right things and hope that God will love you because you have tried so hard. Perhaps you've spent your whole life in sin and know you are not worthy, and you have given up hope. Maybe people in your life have not accepted you and you think God cannot accept you either. If you have spent your whole life working hard to try to be loved, if you have tried to be worthy, there is something I want to tell you. You will never be worthy.
Friend, I have good news though. God has never loved a person worthy of His love. He choses to love the unworthy. God knows who you really are. He chose to love sinners knowing they were sinners. He made a way to salvation for all of us unworthy sinners through His Son's death in our place and resurrection. When Jesus died on the cross, He did it because He chose to love us not because anyone was worthy. It was not about who we are. It was about who He is. He is gracious and that is what He did because of who He is not because of who we are. The best thing to do when you realize you are unworthy is to run to Christ instead of trying to be worthy without Him. Our pride would have us try to be worthy so that we would have grounds to boast. However, you cannot come to Christ with something to offer. It is impossible. All we can come to Him with is repentance.When we embrace God's mercy as unworthy sinners and let go of our pride and attempts to be worthy on our own, we will be welcomed by God and loved. Then, obedience to Him is our joy and freedom. It becomes an expression of love for Him instead of a desperate attempt to be good enough.
Do you obey God to be worthy of His love, or do you obey God out of love because He's worthy? Have you humbly come to Christ as an unworthy sinner, and are you resting in the Savior's love, or are you desprately trying to earn love and have some type of ground for boasting? Perhaps your religious acts have been your attempt to be worthy. Perhaps you have never come to God as a sinner, but you have always tried to put your self forward as a good person like the woman at the well did. That is a weary task. Come to Jesus broken and sinful, and ask for mercy, and He will give you rest. God will not accept you just the way you are. He will accept you only on the account of His Son's death. Ask God to forgive you. He is willing and able to give you mercy because Christ died and rose again for our sins.
" And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be [f]merciful to me, the sinner!’ I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:9-14
This is a poem I wrote about being unworthy and loved.
-Unworthy Loved-
He knew who I would be
but still created me.
He knows all I have done,
Yet He sent His Son.
Knowing every part of me,
He chose to give mercy.
Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did.
Who knew every sin of mine and not a fault was hid.
I tried to make myself seem worthy.
He knew I wasn't but still loved me.
Come and live, you, who deserve to die.
Come and receive you who cannot buy.
Come and drink the waters of life.
Come unworthy and be loved by God.
Twenty Things I Have Been Learning Along the Way:
most important thing in life is knowing God Himself.
Even if we gain the whole
world, nothing will profit us if we lose
our soul. The only way we may know God is
through faith in Christ,
renewal by the Holy Spirit, and reading the Word of God.
satisfaction with God is better than seeking satisfaction through the
the hungrier I get for God, the more satisfied I become! And yet, the
more that
I've realized that God is enough for me and am satisfied in
Him, the more I am discontent
to only have what I have now of Him.
All of my life I want to constantly hunger for Christ
and to become
more satisfied in Him.
personal application, understanding the meaning of Scripture is
This is true of all knowledge. In my own personal study of Scripture,
I often made
understanding the meaning of it my goal instead of
understanding what implications it had
for my life. God showed me my
sinful pride and the vanity of this pursuit. By God's grace,
learned that the goal of Bible study should never be simply to
understand, but also
how to apply the knowledge in my daily life.
doctrine is important, but having correct doctrine without humility
and love is worthless.
Spiritual knowledge doesn't equal spiritual maturity. Spiritual
maturity is walking by the Spirit, and in love. Love is the
fulfillment of the law. It is so much more important to be an expert
at keeping the law of love than an expert at understanding spiritual
concepts. “If I ...know all the mysteries and all knowledge...but
do not have love I am nothing.” 1 Cor. 13:2
Scripture is very important. Memorizing
Scripture is important because it is our weapon against sin. David
said, “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin
against you.” Psalm 119:11When Jesus was tempted, He fought with
Scripture and said, “it is written...”Memorizing Scripture is
important because we can meditate on it when we have it memorized. It
is very useful for taking our thoughts captive to the obedience of
Christ. (1 Cor.10:5)Memorized Scripture is also a source of comfort
when I'm afraid or upset. Memorizing scripture is important because
we will always have it with us. I've found it very helpful when I'm
witnessing, when I have to make a quick decision, when I am without
my Bible, and even when I'm trying to understand other passages of
Scripture. I get many of my ideas for my writing from the Scriptures
that are in my heart. There are so many benefits to always having it
with you.
greatness isn't accomplished by skill, rank, or power but by being a
servant and
by humbling ourselves. “Whoever
would be great among you must be your servant.”
Matt. 20:26 Jesus
Himself said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to
serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” The truly great
man follows Jesus's
example and washes the feet of others.
most important priority is one's relationship with God, not one's
ministry to
Ministry shouldn't be our focus. It is easy to become people-focused,
but as soon
as this happens, we are only doing humanitarian work. We
should be God-focused and our
ministry should flow from that.
must fight sin every day, because we are in a battle.
If we let our guard down, and
if we aren't intentional and persistent
with fighting sin, we will lose important battles. (See
“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary,
the devil, prowls around
like a roaring lion, seeking someone to
devour. But resist him firm in your faith...” 1 Peter
is important to set aside personal prayer time and Scripture reading.
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from
the mouth
of God.” It is so important to read all of Scripture.
While everything we read in the Bible
will benefit us, it is
important to make sure we are reading all of Scripture and not
anything. I've learned that it is helpful to periodically
read straight through Scripture, and
then take time to study
individual books. It is by reading all of Scripture that we
understand any of Scripture. Some passages are difficult to
understand without the rest of
Scripture. I've found that I pray more
throughout the day if I have already spent time in
secret prayer.
Jesus frequently went off by Himself to pray. We have a great need to
be in
prayer. Jesus was a man of prayer, and Christians should be
too. Often, I feel like I wish I
knew better words to say when I
pray, but God is pleased with our prayers when they are
spoken with
an attitude of childlike humility and a submissive heart that says,
“Not my
will, but yours be done.”An excellent book on prayer is,
“A Simple Way to Pray” by
Archie Parrish. It's a tiny book with
big print, and inside is Martin Luther's letter to his
barber who
wanted to know how to pray. I would highly recommend this book!
important to be faithful in little things. The
little things are the hardest. We all want
to do great things that
make us feel important, but doing the small things well is one of the
most important challenges we'll ever have. I've learned God prepares
us for great things in
small ways. When we are faithful with little,
He entrusts us with much. Nothing done out
of worship for God is
insignificant. The best way to do great things is to yield yourself
the potter and be faithful where you are. He has to shape you
before you are ready for use,
and the greatest thing you can ever do
is fulfill God's plan for your life no matter how
many little things
it takes. After all, God's will for us is that we be conformed to the
of His Son (Rom. 8:29).
must guard against distractions.
One of Satan's oldest tactics is distraction. It's easy
to become
distracted, but our focus must be on Christ. Even good things can
become a
distraction. In fact, Satan loves to make us busy with good
things as long as we are
distracted from Christ. The solution to this
problem is not to rid ourselves of all our
distractions but to learn
how God would have us think and act in regards to whatever is
distracting us. We must learn to exercise self-control and to glorify
God in each area of
life. And we must “be of sober Spirit” and
“be on the alert” (1Peter 5: )
important to honor authority. We
may not always agree with the authority figures in
our life, but we
must submit to them as to Christ because God put them in our lives
commands us to obey them. Our hearts are selfish and we want to
do things our own way.
From the time we were toddlers, we said, “I
can do it all by myself!” God is gracious and
He places authorities
in our lives to teach us to submit. Submission is a hard lesson to
learn. Ultimately, we must learn to submit to the Holy Spirit. It is
through submission to
the Holy Spirit that we are able to submit to
the other authorities in our lives. This is a
lesson I'll always be
learning. Christ will always be teaching me to say, “Not my will,
yours be done.” He obeyed His father perfectly and even
submitted himself to men!
Christ's submission amazes me! It is
paramount as a Christian to learn to submit our will
to our Father's
will. “There is a way that seems right to a man, but it's end is
the way to
death.”Proverbs 14:12
can be trusted. He
is always faithful to His promises and His Word. He never
Over and over again He has proved this in my personal life and in His
provides. When
I have a need I take it to Christ and He always provides what I need.
It isn't always what I want, but He is faithful to give me all that
He knows I need. I'm
learning to Pray (instead of worry) when I have
a need.
are the most important investment I can make on earth. I've
that relationships should always take priority over my plans
and goals. It is so easy to
forget this when I have a long list of
things I want to do. God is gracious to keep
reminding me of this.
The longer I live, the more I understand this truth. Sometimes I
to chose between finishing my list and loving the people I'm with.
I'd rather invest in
people than my plans.
conflict in a Christlike way is better than avoiding it, responding
in our
flesh, or trying to ignore it. Because relationships are
valuable, it is worth taking time
to study how to handle conflict.
Scripture gives us all that we need to know in order to
do this. One
of the things I've learned is that when I am upset at someone else, I
need to
spend time in prayer examining why I am upset. Sometimes I am
upset because of selfish
reasons and not because the other person has
sinned. Sometimes the other person has
sinned, but I can overlook it
whenever I remember all that God has forgiven me. If I
overlook it and I'm still offended, I try take time examining my own
part in the
conflict. I ask God to show me how the other person is
feeling and any sins that I need to
repent of. Then I ask God to help
me to be humble and truly listen, and I go seek
restoration. First, I
ask for forgiveness if I have sinned. (It's important not to make
when asking for forgiveness. Like Adam and Eve we often have
the desire to make
excuses, but God doesn't accept them, and we
aren't truly repenting if we are still making
excuses.) After, this I
tell the other person as graciously as possible how they have
offended me and what I would prefer them to do in the future. Then
it's time to listen and
ask questions to try to understand the other
person because they are usually frustrated too.
The goal when talking
about conflict cannot be to prove ourselves innocent or to retaliate.
It must be done in a loving way and we must be ready to forgive. We
must seek
restoration when we have conflicts and not leave them
unresolved. I am still learning to do
this. God's grace and Word is
sufficient to guide and help us in every conflict we will ever
Handling conflict is definitely one of the most important skills I've
learned. An
excellent book with Biblical principals for handling
conflict is, “If you Bite and Devour”
by Alexander Strauch. He
explains in depth that when we are faced with conflict,
must act in the spirit with love and humility; control their tongue,
anger, and
criticism; and pursue reconciliation and peace. There are hundreds of helpful scriptures in
this book!
criticism; and pursue reconciliation and peace. There are hundreds of helpful scriptures in
this book!
truly is more blessed to give than to receive!
important to be teachable and to seek counsel.
I've learned the hard way that pride
is destructive, and that I won't
learn what God wants me to learn, unless I am humble and
I listen to
others. Instead of resisting instruction, I should actually seek it!
Wisdom is
precious and should be sought above riches. It can only be
gained through humility.
pleasure is a destructive and subtle idol. I've
learned this from experience.
Living for pleasure and seeking to live
a comfortable life is dangerous. If that is our
ultimate goal, we
won't be willing to obey God. He said, “If anyone would come after
let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
Matt. 16:24 Following Christ
isn't comfortable. It's downright hard
and will cost you everything, but true joy is found in
Christ. We can easily be tricked, as Adam and Eve were, to trade
eternal joys
for momentary pleasures. Worldly pleasure is
counterfeit. Scripture teaches, “In [God's]
presence there is
fullness of joy; at [His] right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
16:11. This is a very important thing to learn, and one of the
most important things God
has been teaching me. Satan still entices
people with momentary pleasures, but we can
resist him through
Christ's strength and he will flee from us.
is important to be thankful and enjoy God's gifts. I'm
learning to say, “This is the
day the Lord has made; I will rejoice
and be glad in it.” Sometimes I forget to give God
the praise He is
due for all the ways He has graciously blessed me. I don't want to be
the lepers who were healed but forgot to come back and thank
Jesus. I want to remember
to praise Him. Scripture commands us to do
this, and I'm learning to bless the Lord at all
times and ascribe to
Him the glory He's due. Psalm 34:1 Psalm 96:8
is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for God's
alone, and
alone is to be our authority. These
are known as the five solas of
Scripture and are central doctrines in
my faith. These are the very heartbeat of the Bible
is returning and it's important to be ready! Scripture
will come like
a thief in the night. We should seek first the kingdom
of God and His righteousness.
Because He's coming back, it is
important to be saved and to be faithfully living for
God's glory,
Monday, March 16, 2015
Hunger Me For You
May I hunger and thirst for righteousness (Mat 5:6)
And be satisfied with your likeness.(psalm 17:15)
May I feast on true bread and be filled with true drink. (John 6:55)
May my soul pant for You, as a deer pants for the brook. (Psalm 42:1)
May the doing of your will be my food (John 4:34)
And the nearness of you my good. (Psalm 73:28)
May I be filled with the fullness of your love.(Eph 3:19)
And live by every word proceeding from the mouth of God. (Luke 4:4)
O bread that came from heaven!
O manna divine!
Come fill my heart and renew my mind.
O pure and living water!
O precious cup of blood!
Refresh my soul, and cleanse me, my God!
You drank the dreaded cup of wrath,
that I might drink from the river of life! (Heb 9:22, Rev 22:1)
Your body was broken as bread for my sins,
that I might eat and be justified! (1 Cor 11:24)
I am unworthy to eat at your table,
but you wash my feet and sit by my side.
Yes, your table is filled with tax collectors and sinners.
'Twas for the unrighteousness you came to die.
You will clothe me in white to be your Bride! And I shall feast with my groom, the Lamb of God!
Slain for my sin,
Yet risen again.
O precious supper,
Thy body and blood.
And be satisfied with your likeness.(psalm 17:15)
May I feast on true bread and be filled with true drink. (John 6:55)
May my soul pant for You, as a deer pants for the brook. (Psalm 42:1)
May the doing of your will be my food (John 4:34)
And the nearness of you my good. (Psalm 73:28)
May I be filled with the fullness of your love.(Eph 3:19)
And live by every word proceeding from the mouth of God. (Luke 4:4)
O bread that came from heaven!
O manna divine!
Come fill my heart and renew my mind.
O pure and living water!
O precious cup of blood!
Refresh my soul, and cleanse me, my God!
You drank the dreaded cup of wrath,
that I might drink from the river of life! (Heb 9:22, Rev 22:1)
Your body was broken as bread for my sins,
that I might eat and be justified! (1 Cor 11:24)
I am unworthy to eat at your table,
but you wash my feet and sit by my side.
Yes, your table is filled with tax collectors and sinners.
'Twas for the unrighteousness you came to die.
You will clothe me in white to be your Bride! And I shall feast with my groom, the Lamb of God!
Slain for my sin,
Yet risen again.
O precious supper,
Thy body and blood.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Tiny Evidences
Tiny evidences dainty and white
Each unique in shape and size
A gallery of masterpieces
Covering the landscape with white fleeces
Gently drifting all around
A peaceful song without sound
Myriads melted in years gone by
Yet new creations still drift from the sky
Never once a duplicate
Every one detailed and intricate
Inescapable proofs dance before our eyes
The evidence of God that cannot be denied
As endless as the snowflakes designs
Is the greatness and power of God divine
Each unique in shape and size
A gallery of masterpieces
Covering the landscape with white fleeces
Gently drifting all around
A peaceful song without sound
Myriads melted in years gone by
Yet new creations still drift from the sky
Never once a duplicate
Every one detailed and intricate
Inescapable proofs dance before our eyes
The evidence of God that cannot be denied
As endless as the snowflakes designs
Is the greatness and power of God divine
A Different Kind of Birthday
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I held him in my hands. He was perfect. He was so precious and tiny. My little brother Nathaniel Asher, "Nash, " was born on February the thirteenth of this year. Usually, people think of birthdays as the day a life began, but I don't.
My brother never cried when he was born. He never grasped my finger, never looked at me, and never took a breath in my arms. He never took a breath at all, but he lived. His life did not begin on his birthday; no one's life does. Birthdays do not mark the beginning of a unique genetic makeup that only one person will ever have. They do not mark the first beat of a heart. Birthdays do not mark the beginning of a soul's existence. Birthdays mark the day a person, who already exists, enters this world and leaves the environment of their mother's womb.
Nash had a different kind of birthday than most people. His life was already completed when he was born. He was never issued a birth certificate acknowledging his life, but I know that he lived.
I held him in the palm of my hand. Born at seventeen weeks gestation, he was only five inches long. I wondered how someone so small could take up so much room in my heart. I loved him very much, but I never got to tell him so. I never got to know who he was or what he was like; I just held his lifeless body and rocked him. I kissed his tiny forehead and held his delicate fingers. No one could ever convince me that Nash was not a person.
I wish I would have had the privilege of knowing him and seeing his personality. I wish I could have listened to him, made him laugh, and shared life with him. Although Nash was never known by a single person, his little life was important and God knows him. God is the one who formed him and fashioned his soul.
Fetuses are human beings. I am not a scientist, but it was not hard to see that my brother was not an undefined blob of disorganized cells, and I did not even need a microscope or magnifying glass to observe this. He had fingers, toes, ears, legs, arms, ribs, eyes, a nose, and even a tongue. He had everything we have. Fetuses are just a smaller version of normal-sized people. They are not disorganized random cells. They have all the same parts as us, and they are put together the same way. They are just much smaller and more delicate.
Nash taught me that birthdays are not the beginning. Life begins at conception. I will forever remember my brother's life although it ended before his birthday. I held him in my hand for only a few minutes, but I will always hold him in my heart. I am so thankful for the life of Nash, and I will always love him. Birthdays are days when we celebrate someone's life, but I'm learning that life should be celebrated every moment because life is a vapor.
"For you formed my inmost parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."Psalm 139:16
My brother never cried when he was born. He never grasped my finger, never looked at me, and never took a breath in my arms. He never took a breath at all, but he lived. His life did not begin on his birthday; no one's life does. Birthdays do not mark the beginning of a unique genetic makeup that only one person will ever have. They do not mark the first beat of a heart. Birthdays do not mark the beginning of a soul's existence. Birthdays mark the day a person, who already exists, enters this world and leaves the environment of their mother's womb.

I held him in the palm of my hand. Born at seventeen weeks gestation, he was only five inches long. I wondered how someone so small could take up so much room in my heart. I loved him very much, but I never got to tell him so. I never got to know who he was or what he was like; I just held his lifeless body and rocked him. I kissed his tiny forehead and held his delicate fingers. No one could ever convince me that Nash was not a person.
I wish I would have had the privilege of knowing him and seeing his personality. I wish I could have listened to him, made him laugh, and shared life with him. Although Nash was never known by a single person, his little life was important and God knows him. God is the one who formed him and fashioned his soul.
Fetuses are human beings. I am not a scientist, but it was not hard to see that my brother was not an undefined blob of disorganized cells, and I did not even need a microscope or magnifying glass to observe this. He had fingers, toes, ears, legs, arms, ribs, eyes, a nose, and even a tongue. He had everything we have. Fetuses are just a smaller version of normal-sized people. They are not disorganized random cells. They have all the same parts as us, and they are put together the same way. They are just much smaller and more delicate.
Nash taught me that birthdays are not the beginning. Life begins at conception. I will forever remember my brother's life although it ended before his birthday. I held him in my hand for only a few minutes, but I will always hold him in my heart. I am so thankful for the life of Nash, and I will always love him. Birthdays are days when we celebrate someone's life, but I'm learning that life should be celebrated every moment because life is a vapor.
"For you formed my inmost parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."Psalm 139:16
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Whenever people say hurtful things to us, our tendancy is to want to defend ourselves and pay them back. We may be tempted to react out of our feelings rather than respond in love. Scripture instructs us about what to do in these situations.
Overcome Evil With Good
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21)." If we respond to evil with evil, we worsen the problem. If we are going to overcome evil, we must respond in love. This requires action on our part. Evil is not overcome by silence. We must overcome evil by blessing the very people who are mistreating us. "Bless those who pursecute you; bless and do not curse." Romans 12:24
Act In Love
"Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14)." We are never permitted by Scripture to act out of our feelings. We must act in love. First Corinthians chapter thirteen is a good Biblical deffinition of love. Love is essential to honoring Christ because love is the fulfillment of the law.
Do Not Retaliate
"Never pay back evil for evil to anyone... (Romans 12:17a)." The world's idea of justice is retaliation. However, retaliating is not the same thing as seeking justice. "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written,'VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,' says the Lord (Romans 12:19)."
Seek to Reconcile
We should, "[Be] diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3 When others speak unkind things to us, we must examine what they are saying, and if we have done anything wrong we should repent and ask for forgiveness. Whatever the problem is, we should seek to restore our relationship with the person.
Love wants to reconcile.
Pride retaliates.
May we be overcomers!
Overcome Evil With Good
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21)." If we respond to evil with evil, we worsen the problem. If we are going to overcome evil, we must respond in love. This requires action on our part. Evil is not overcome by silence. We must overcome evil by blessing the very people who are mistreating us. "Bless those who pursecute you; bless and do not curse." Romans 12:24
Act In Love
"Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14)." We are never permitted by Scripture to act out of our feelings. We must act in love. First Corinthians chapter thirteen is a good Biblical deffinition of love. Love is essential to honoring Christ because love is the fulfillment of the law.
Do Not Retaliate
"Never pay back evil for evil to anyone... (Romans 12:17a)." The world's idea of justice is retaliation. However, retaliating is not the same thing as seeking justice. "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written,'VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,' says the Lord (Romans 12:19)."
Seek to Reconcile
We should, "[Be] diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3 When others speak unkind things to us, we must examine what they are saying, and if we have done anything wrong we should repent and ask for forgiveness. Whatever the problem is, we should seek to restore our relationship with the person.
Love wants to reconcile.
Pride retaliates.
May we be overcomers!
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