Monday, April 29, 2013

Life- Something I'm Passionate About

Passion and Compassion
I have just finished Jessica Shaver's book Gianna Aborted... and Lived to Tell About It on the life of Gianna Jessen. As I read the book, it sparked a passion and compassion in me. I appreciated that it told the mother's story. It really gave me compassion for Gianna's biological mother, Tina. The book also put a face on the babies that are aborted daily by giving me someone to identify with. As I read about the life of Gianna, I was struck with the fact that her life was almost ended before her story was ever told. She personalized the "blobs of tissue" for me. The book also exposed how her mother had been lied to and was repentant when her baby was born alive. Tina realized what she did was wrong and was truly sorry. I feel deep compassion for women like Tina. I feel deep compassion for anyone who has had an abortion.

As I read the book though, I realized that although I already believed in life from conception, it had not really registered in my mind fully. Aborted babies were not personal to me. In a way, I thought of these babies as someone never given a chance to live out their story. What I failed to realize though, was the fact that these babies' stories had already begun. I was against abortion, but I had a misunderstanding. I thought  the babies were alive, but I contradicted myself in thinking they had not been given a chance to live. Life in the womb is still life. It is still a story. It is how everyone's story began.

What Would You Do?
As I sat pondering all of this, I asked myself, "If these are living children, what would I do in any other situation where children were being murdered? If I knew innocent children where being slaughtered legally and that somebody was making a living off of it, I would do something!" What would you do if you knew that children were being murdered in a particular building nearby?  Babies in the womb are alive even though we cannot see them. Abortion is no different. It is the American Holocaust. We must pray, speak, and act!

Something Worth Fighting For
Unborn babies' lives are worth fighting for, but how much more is the life of people's souls! People need the gospel. My life goal is not to end abortion. That will be ended when God comes back. I will give my life for the sake of Christ. If I give my life to any other name or cause, I have only been successful in making an idol. True success was accomplished when Christ triumphed over death on the cross. My life goal is to glorify God and to spread the gospel. There is no greater name nor cause! If you want to live your life well, give it up for the only One who is worthy!

Two Victims
We should stand up for these babies, but never forget we must speak truth to their mothers too! The baby is not the only victim. The mothers are victims to lies! As scripture says " the truth will set you free". These women need to hear the truth.

Concluding Thoughts
I'd like to end with these verses: "Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9

                              Life is precious, no matter how small!
                           Originally posted on 2/4/13

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