Friday, May 6, 2016

Missing the Point

When we read Scripture
If Christ doesn't become more beautiful,
If we do not see more of God's heart,
If the depth of the sin in our heart is not exposed,
If our souls aren't stirred to praise God,
If we seek merely to understand the meaning of Scripture apart from it's application,
If it doesn't drive us to prayer,
If we do not love God more,
If our love is not stirred for our neighbors, 
If our heart is lifted up in pride and we make a mental list of all the ways we are obeying,
If we focus on a list of to do's, and our goal is changed behavior rather than adoring and worshipping Christ,
If we study looking first for lessons to teach others seeing ourselves primarily as the one that needs to deliver God's word to people rather than one who needs to receive God's word,
If we are hearers and not doers,
If we seek knowledge over intimacy with God,
If we hide it in our heads and not our hearts for any purpose other than so that we might not sin against Him,
If we search Scripture to support our theological positions, 
If we half heartedly skim,
If we twist it to justify our sins,
If we look merely for "answers" rather than for questions to ask ourselves,
If we are fascinated with deep mysteries but don't look in the mirror,
If our Sword stays in the sheath when Satan attacks,
If we use the Bible like a harlot just to get what we want,
If our main focus is meeting our own emotional needs, 
If we search the Scriptures because we think that in them we have life,
If we do not imitate what we learn of Christ, 
If our feet do not follow the path to calvary, and we do not take up our cross and follow Him,
If Christ isn't what we seek when we read Scripture,
Our Bibles would benefit us more if we never opened them because when we read them in this way We get further from Christ and look to ourselves,
We condemn ourselves,
We claim to be wise but become fools,
We dishonor the Name of God before men,
We build false confidence that the act of reading the Word will transform our sinful desires without any effort on our part. The more we trust in our action of reading, the more we see our reading of Scriptrure as meritorious. The more we see our action as meritorious, the more we worship the idol of study. The more we worship the idol of study, the more we are blinded to the fact that we are actually not studying God; we are just working. 

We are working like a Pharisee who knows the Word in and out but who completely misses that Jesus is in our very presence. We are actually mad that He takes away our glory from our good work and we seek to rid ourselves of Him. Oh, what a tragedy to read the word of God and miss Christ! 

What a subtle lie that Satan would have us to believe! In fact, satan is twisting the very Book that should renew our minds to blind them. He is calling idolatry worship of the true God. He is making men twice a son of hell. Satan is not opposed to men reading the Bible and never has been. He even used Scripture when tempting Jesus. Satan's goal is not to destroy Scripture but to twist Scripture to become an instrument of destruction to men.

Our hope is not in the Bible, it is spoken of in the Bible. Our hope is in Christ! Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for God's glory alone, and Scripture alone is our authority. Scripture is not our righteousness. The blood of Jesus, and the blood of Jesus alone can make atonement for our sin. May we cling to the grace of God and put no confidence in the flesh or our abilities to study the Bible. 

However, this message is not just to the lost pharisee. It is to the saved pharisee. What do I mean? Christians can miss the point when they study Scripture. They too can look to complete in the flesh what was begun by the Spirit ( Galatians 3:3). The Christian must cling to the Christ not only for justification but also sanctification. They must abide in the branch in order to produce the fruit of the Spirit (hence the name "the fruit of the Spirit" not "the fruit of study").

What can Christians do about this serious but subtle danger? First, they must pray that God would give them true understanding and true fear of Him. Second, they must continue in prayer as they read. Third, they must worship God truly in love (not in order to merit God's forgiveness). True worship is love to God which works obedience. 

"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me;" John 5:39

I say this from experience: If you miss Jesus, you've missed the point. For too long, I missed the point, but God has been gracious and shown me that HE is the glorious point! Seek Him! Don't trade him for a counterfeit hope of righteousness. Don't get lost in trying to understand all the mysteries in Scripture, just get lost trying to understand the mystery of union with Christ and obey what you do understand. Christ is the true treasure, and the purpose for studying Scripture is so that we might Him! 

"More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ," Philippians 3:8

Scopus Vitae Christus, 

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