Thursday, November 29, 2012

In a Pickle

Yesterday my mom had to take my grandmother to the doctor, and we were in charge of all the kids except the baby. Mommy took her with her. We had eaten our breakfast, and the dishes were dirty, The laundry needed to be done, schoolwork  needed to be accomplished, and all the little ducks (the children) would not stay in a row. It was right then that the shelf fell off of the refrigerator door, and a pickle jar shattered on the kitchen floor. Pickles and pickle juice covered the kitchen floor, and the juice was spreading under the fridge. I was in a pickle! Does this sound familiar to you?


I like to think of it this way. God is the  teacher, and I am the student. Every day He gives me a sheet of problems to solve that go along with the lesson He wants to teach me. I have noticed that when I feel the tasks I must do are to many, or that I am incapable of doing them, often God wants to teach me something. It is easy to complain, but that profits nothing. Am I we willing to learn? Will I put in the effort it takes to grow? Are you facing a pickle? Maybe God is trying to teach you something. God will give us the stregnth we need when we're in a pickle if we ask Him and rely on Him for it!

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