Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You Can't Buy Insurance for Tomorrow

I think one day I'll meet the man
I've prayed for, and we'll united.
I think we'll buy a piece of land
And start our own home site.

I think we'll have many children
Who will run around my house.
I think God will graciously save them,
And they'll one day meet a spouse.

I think I will have many grandchildren,
And they'll ask what I believe.
I'll share the gospel with them, and then
I'll pray they will receive.

I that think I will watch them grow
And even raise their babies.
I think these things, but I can't know.
God may have other plans for me.

I think that I will live to be
As old as one hundred years.
I'll think that I'll be all wrinkly,
And may loose my ability to hear.

But God may have planned that I'd die
After one more year's gone by.
Maybe my life will be much harder.
Maybe He's planned I'll die a Martyr.

What if he wants to show his power
 In teaching me how weak I am.
Pain might teach to trust each hour
I may walk alone in this land.

I may not live until tomorrow!
I may die this very night!
There is no time that I can borrow!
No time to rest during this fight.

Christ could return before I die.
I want to be faithful in His sight.
We may not have much more time.
Christ will return as a thief in the night.

How old do you think you will live to be?
How long do you think you'll live?
You'll find you'll live accordingly
Wasting time if there's time to give.

You can't insure time on this earth,
But be sure if you trust Christ
He'll give you second birth.
In Him there's insurance for life.

Trust Christ and don't waste today counting on tomorrow.

Our Condition

*We are guilty before God of breaking his laws. (Romans 3:23)
* The just sentence for our sins,law breaking, is death. (Romans 6:23)
* We will go to "court" and stand before a righteous judge. (Hebrews 9:27)
* He cannot overlook our sins justice must be satisfied. (Isaiah 45:21)

Breaking News

BUT GOD IS MERCIFUL AND NOT JUST, JUST! How can God be both just (which is giving us what we deserve, hell) and merciful (which is giving us what we don't deserve, heaven) at the same time? He satisfied justice for us. The price still had to be paid, but He paid it in full for those who repent and place their faith in Him! By Jesus' death on the cross, He took our guilt upon Himself, He satisfied God's wrath against sinners, and He made a way to righteousness for us.  Righteousness means a right standing with God, the Judge. Jesus is the only way to salvation! (John14:6, Acts 4:12) If you put your faith in Christ and ask him to forgive you, you will be saved!( John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8, Acts 16:31)

Faith and Repentance are Inseparable
True faith is trusting in Christ alone for your righteousness, and it is always accompanied by repentance (forsaking and hating your sins and submitting to God). You will still sin sometimes as a Christian, but if you confess your sins, God is faithful and righteous to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. (1John 1:9) However, there is a difference between believing in God's existence and true faith. James 2:19 says " You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe and shutter." Even Satan and the demons believe in God's existence, but they do not have a surrendered heart to Him. When you are saved, God gives you his Holy spirit to dwell in you. The holy spirit gives you power to overcome sin. Demons do not have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. You are not saved by turning from your sins, but turning from your sins is a result of salvation. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for God's glory alone.

Your Servant in Christ,
