Sunday, July 29, 2012

Another Great Book!

"Shepherding a Child's Heart " by Tedd Tripp was an enlightening book! In our culture, parents often deal with children's behavior rather than the reasons for their behavior. Tedd Tripp addresses the heart issues behind children's behavior and explains how to Shepherd and guide a child's heart. Whether you are parent or not, this book is a must read.

What To Be Afraid Of

Fear. Everyone fears something weather they know it or not. When we were little, we feared things like lions under the bed that wait for you to step off your bed before jumping out to eat you. (Even though there is no possible way that a lion could fit  under a bed. Especially considering how much junk is usually under a child's bed, and not to mention the fact that they are not even native to our continent.) As children we feared irrational things. We somehow thought things that were not there when the lights were on, appeared when they went off and so on. Yes, this kind of fear was the sort of terror we felt  when we imagined monsters in the closet.

However, fear is not merely an emotion you feel when something terrifies you. There is more to fear than that. In one sense fear is being scared of something, but it can also mean that you reverence or honor something or someone. That is the kind of fear that I am going to focus on today. Everyone honors or reverences something. This fear drives every decision we make. This fear drives even our very thoughts. It is at the core of our very being.


Fearing man
For example, if you fear man, that fear will drive you. Every year Chick-fil-A has a national cow appreciation day, and if you dress like a cow you get a free sandwich. This year, when my Aunt asked my three year old cousin if she would like to wear some cow ears too, she replied "No! What would people think!" The truth is, if you fear man's opinion, that fear will drive what you decide to wear, do, say, watch, read etc. You might find yourself seeking others approval, flattering others with compliments that are not genuine, or getting highly defensive when you are accused by others because you crave their approval. When you get dressed you will ask, "What is in style?" rather than, "What do I like?" or "What would honor God?". When you speak you will ask yourself, "What does this person want to hear?" rather than, "What is true?" When no one is looking you will do whatever you want since there is no one there to disapprove.

There are many examples of men who did and who did not fear man in the Bible. Shadrack, Meshack, and Obednego did not bow to the shrine when they were commanded to by king Nebechudnezzer. They knew that to bow down would be disobedience to God, and they feared God more than they feared the threat of the king to throw them into the fiery furnace. Although they were thrown in, God delivered them! Daniel is another good example of a man who feared God, not men. Herod feared the crowd though, and turned Jesus over to be crucified although he found no fault with Him! Peter feared what man might do to him and denied Jesus three times! Fearing man is an idol and trap! We are told to fear and serve God only. Fearing man is wrong, and I too struggle with this fear.

Fearing money
We can also fear money, if we think of fear in terms of fear and reverence. As I have stated above fear drives our decisions. Many spend their lives chasing after money only to lose it when they die. According to the richest man who ever lived (Solomon), riches are all vanity and cannot satisfy (Ecclesiastes). You can fear money and have nothing, and you can not fear money and have many possessions.

Scripture tells us that a man's life does not consist of his possessions. It warns against fearing it, and tells us not to store our treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for money, is an example of one who feared money. True riches are not found in money but in fearing and serving the Lord.

  The fear of money is an Idol and sin too. Matthew 6:24-34 is a great passage on possessions, and I encourage you to study it yourself. It warns that you cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and money. It also says that if you seek first God's kingdom, He will provide for you. What does a servant worry himself with? Only doing the will of his master. He does not worry about what he will wear or eat because his master provides those things. God is a loving master, and He made us to do His will and serve Him. Money is a harsh master who promises much but leaves you empty.

Fearing yourself
There are many things you can fear; I have only touched on a couple, but any fear besides the fear of the Lord pretty much boils down to this: Fearing yourself. If you do what is right in your own eyes or whatever feels good to you, you fear yourself.  The Scripture says in Prov 14:12 and in Prov16:25 "There is a way that seems right to man, but it's end is the way to death." This is a strong warning against fearing yourself. It is an Idol and a sin. Fearing yourself leads to death!

What do you Fear?
Everyone fears something. The question is will it be The Creator or creation; will it be God or man? Even those who fear God will still struggle with fearing other things, but God's grace is sufficient for all our needs. God is the one who we should fear!