Wednesday, October 24, 2012


   All around us there are things to see, do, hear, taste, and touch. Sometimes we observe these things on accident, and sometimes we set them before ourselves purposely. For instance, when you walk into a store you may glance at a television that is playing as you walk by and turn your gaze away if it is not God honoring. If you, however, rent a movie and watch it that would be setting it before you. We cannot always control what we encounter; however, we can control what we set before our eyes.

  The Psalmist declares in psalm 101:3, " I will set no worthless thing before my eyes..." I find it interesting that he used the word worthless. In Hebrew the word translated as worthless actually means: "Without profit, worthlessness, (by extension) destruction,wickedness."How does this verse apply to us when evaluating what we put before ourselves? What sort of questions should we use to find out whether we should put something before us? When we evaluate what we are going to put before ourselves our question should be neither, " Does this have anything bad in it?"nor, " Does this have any thing good in it?". Here's why. It is very challenging to find movie, magazine, or book (besides the Bible) devoid of anything bad because corrupted people create corrupted matterials; on the other hand, just because there is one good thing in something, that does not make it valuable. The question we should ask is, "Is this valuable?".

  It is true that there may be nothing inherently wrong with playing a race car video game, but is there any value in it? Not all things are a sin, but not all things are a good use of our time. Our culture has given too much room for time wasting and labeled it entertainment. In Ephesians 5:15-17 we read " Therefore be careful how you walk not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is." You can almost hear Paul's urgency through the verses on this page. The days are evil. Satan is seeking whom he may devour. He wants to destroy you and use you in the destruction of others. We are in a war. It may not be a sin to be entertained, but we are on the front lines and cannot afford to be distracted. This is an old military tactic. You distract your enemy and sneak in on them. Do you not think Satan is doing just that? He has got us so distracted that we do not even have a hand on our weapons! Far too often, we are just relaxing and amusing ourselves! We will give an answer to God for how we use the time He has given us; therefore, we must not waste it!

  We should avoid wasting time by not setting worhtless things before us and seeking to glorify God in whatever we do. It is time for reformation in this area of our lives! We must be intentional with what God has given us including the time He's entrusted with us. This life is but a breath, but let it be a fragrant aroma to the Lord.

                                                                                 Your Servant in Christ,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Never Smell a Cinnamon Tic-Tac

   They were so shiny and red. We had been told not to eat them, and we were quite bored while we sat waiting for our mom to find the right pair of shoes at the mall. My little sister and I sat under the chairs with mommy's purse and eyed the cinnamon tic-tacks. We rarely got to have candy because it was not healthy, and mommy cared more about health than we did. It was so tempting, but we knew we should not eat them, so we continued to stare at them. Next, we decided to just hold the container so we could see them better. Then, we decided that we should smell them so that we could better imagine how they would taste if we were eating them. Then, it happened. Gracie sniffed the tic-tack right up her nose. It began to sting because it was cinnamon and everyone in the mall knew it (including mommy). We ended up going to the hospital, and Gracie sounded so much like a siren that no ambulance was necessary. By the time we got there it had dissolved, but Gracie was in much pain!
I was feeling terrible because it had all been my idea!

   Now this true story took place a good ten years ago, but the lesson I learned from it is still applicable today. I learned that one should never smell a cinnamon tic-tack because chances are, one might end up with a stinging nose. No, I'm just kidding. Seriously though, we shouldn't taste, touch, handle, or "smell" temptations. In the scriptures Solomon instructs his son saying, "Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not proceed in the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not pass by it; turn away from it and pass on."(Prov 4:14-15) We are supposed to avoid the evil path. We aren't even to go near it! (And yes, that means no smelling your mom's tic-tacks.)

   I remember when it would be my turn to empty the trashcans from around the house into the large kitchen trash can, and little things would fall on the floor during the process of dumping them. I was so disgusted with the thought of picking up the little pieces with my bare hands, that I would go and get  grocery sacks to use as gloves instead of just washing my hands afterwards (which I would have to do anyways). The fact is, most of us are clever enough to find ways around doing things we do not like. We should go to the same measures to avoid temptation. If it is a sin, our attitude should not be an attitude  that says, "How close can I come to doing it without doing it?", but an attitude that says " How can I go out of my way to avoid coming into contact with it?" Can we expect to handle hot embers in our bosom and not have our clothes burned?(Prov 6:27) When we get too close to temptation we will most likely get burned!

   Lastly, avoiding temptation is not enough. We must also pursue what is good. I would like to close with this charge to all of my readers: "Now flee from youthful lust and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, with those who call on God from a pure heart." ( 2 Tim 2:22)