Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Respect and Honor

Those Who Would Not Submit
I read Numbers 15:16-16:40 yesterday. In this passage some of the Israelites did not think Moses should be in authority over them. They would not obey the one God appointed, so Korah, Dathan, and Abirim along with their families and possessions where swallowed by the earth! This passage clearly shows that God wants us to submit to the authority He places in our lives. He appointed them to guide, direct, and protect us. When we honor them we honor God. When we disobey them and dishonor them, we are disobeying and dishonoring God.

The Command to Submit:
This passage encouraged me to honor those who have authority over me. This does not mean we must feel respect for those who rule over us. There are leaders that I try to honor, but I do not respect their lives. We can be submissive to our authorities even if we do not have respect for how they live and act. There is no excuse for not honoring those in authority over us because we are commanded by God to submit to them. 1 Peter 2:13-14 says, "Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and thepraise of those who do right." No matter what you think about the people who have authority over you, you must submit to them for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake.


  1. Yeah, I think that you are probably right. I can see what you mean. Like when my mom or dad tells me to go unload the dishwasher, I whine and then I say to myself, "If I disobey my parents I disobey God."


  2. Yeah Sam. We don't have to feel like loading the dishwasher, but we can be cheerful because we are doing it for the lord!
