Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Word of God

I wrote this poem with the intentions of encapsulating all the main points that the first article of the "1689 Baptist Confession of Faith" makes. I wanted to exhibit the rich doctrine in the article in a beautiful and poetic way. I hope this blesses you!

The word of God is  complete.
No other book can compete.
The Holy Scriptures do suffice
For salvation, doctrine, and daily life.

God's existence is proved by nature,
But nature is quite a limited teacher.
God's plan of salvation and will for man,
Aren't understood by the works of His hand.

Before He spoke in many ways,
But scripture is His method today.
Sixty six books do compose
The entire cannon that is now closed.

Scripture needs not explanation,
Nor man's approval or recommendation.
God's Word makes the simple prudent.
Every believer should be it's student.

It doesn't matter what churches say. 
It's God's word we're bound to obey.
If any man's teachings contradict,
We must follow scripture, holding fast to it.

The Bible is God breathed.
It's contents to pure to be man conceived.
Nature is in one accord
With the testimony of God's word.

The proofs without and proofs within,
Can't convince minds darkened by sin.
Unless a man be born again,
God's kingdom he can not enter in.

Not all things are equally plain,
But essential things need not be explained.
Whenever things are hard to grasp,
We must read scripture in light of the rest.

When controversies o'er doctrines arise
Scripture is to be our guide.
While others turn to their opinions,
We will trust in God's declarations.

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