Saturday, July 27, 2013

God and the Holy Trinity

I wrote this poem with the intention of displaying God's character in an artful way. It is when we try to gaze into the face of God that we realize our true sinful state. And when we see our true sinfulness, it makes His grace all the more precious, glorious, and wonderful. God is so vast, He certainly cannot be described or contained in one poem. He could not be contained in all the books and libraries that exist either. In fact, He is infinite and cannot be contained in the cosmos! Yes, this is someone worth writing about, reading about, and living for!

The Lord is God. There is no other.
He's infinite in being and perfection.
He is not dependant on another.
His essence is beyond all comprehension.

He alone has immortality.
He is a most pure spirit invisible.
Immutable and most holy
He works all things according to his counsel.

A God most wise, infinite, and free
Who's dwelling is in light unapproachable
Who's full of splendor and of glory
Unending, without beginning, eternal

A patient God who's longsuffering
One who forgives and pardons iniquity
Who's merciful, good, and loving,
Yet just and will by no means clear the guilty.

A God who alone is all-knowing
There's nothing that is hidden from His sight.
The Lord is powerful, almighty.
He's immeasurable in strength and matchless in might.

The Lord is completely sovereign,
Most holy in all His works, counsels, and plans.
He has dominion over all creation.
He deserves our worship and obedience to His commands.

In this one God are three persons,
All one in power, attributes, and eternity.
There are three persons but no divisions.
Each with different roles but equal in divinity.

(I used the "1689 Baptist Confession of Faith" edited by Peter Masters as a guide for this poem. I do not, however, affirm the impassibility of God. Thus, I did not include this doctrine in my poem. I have not found this doctrine to be biblical. Wayne Grudem's "Systematic Theology" is very helpful on this subject. He explains were this doctrine came from and why it is not Biblical.)

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