Saturday, October 26, 2013

No Peace Now, No Peace Later

We have been in a very trying season of life lately. God has been teaching me a lot though. One of the things that He has been showing me is that peace that is dependant upon circumstances is no peace at all. If I cannot be at peace right now in this difficult season, I will not be at peace when it passes.

 I am reminded of what Jesus said to His disciples when they were in a storm, and they were afraid their boat would sink. He said, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (Mark 4:40). After reading this passage, I realized that my lack of faith is the reason for my lack of peace. If I were trusting that God knows exactly what He is doing and that He knows exactly what I need, I would not be without peace. True peace comes from faith, faith in the Faithful God. We can have faith in His promise that He will never leave us or forsake us, and we can have peace when our circumstances change because our God does not.

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