Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Meditation on God's Goodness

The Lord is good, but more than just good. He is infinitely and completely good. All the goodness that I have ever seen, He exceeds. He cannot increase in goodness because He is in no way lacking. He is perfect in His goodness, and His goodness is pure. Moreover, He is unchanging in his infinite goodness. Every good thing issues forth from his very nature. God is not good because His actions are good; Goodness is who He is, and He is good even when He is not acting. (He is the opposite of Devil who has no truth in him and lies from his own character. John 8:44) He is good all the way, all of the time. His goodness cannot be comprehended fully by finite man. The joy of knowing His full goodness is a delight which the trinity alone shares. I think to myself, "If I should ask the Son 'How good is the Father?' or the father ' How good is the son?' Or the the Spirit 'How good are  the Father and Son' Then He should reply, "More good than you will ever know, but you may taste and see that I am good. Taste as often as you like, but you will never finish. You may know My goodness like the saltiness of the sea. You may taste it in your mouth as you submerge yourself in it, but you will never know the fullness of it's saltiness. So submerge yourself in My goodness that you may always taste My flavor."

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