Saturday, January 26, 2013

Something to Study

I've been learning how to study the Scriptures inductively. The lady who taught me how warned me that it would be easy to get caught up in the "doing" of it. Little did I know just how easy it would be. I was very excited because I was seeing so much deeper into Scripture than I had ever seen before. I was learning all kinds of things during my study time, yet something happened, and studying lost its joy for me. I could not understand why my zeal was dwindling, and then I realized that I was approaching God as something to be studied - not someone to be loved. Of course we should study God! Of course we should dig deeper into Scripture, but we should not forget to fall in love with God.

I took a break from studying for a little while, and started reading the Gospel of John. Scripture says we love God because He first loved us. I wanted to renew my zeal and passion for Christ, so I thought I had read about the ways that Christ loved us. The greatest, most enthralling love story of all time is found in this book! And best of all, it is mine! How He loves me! I am but dust compared to Christ; nay, I cease to exist compared to Him... BUT HE LOVED ME! I was not seeking Him, BUT HE SOUGHT ME! I was separated from Him because of my sin, BUT HE RECONCILED ME! I was perishing, BUT HE RESCUED ME! I had nothing to offer Him, BUT HE GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ME! I am created; He is eternal, YET HE LEFT HIS THRONE AND BECAME LIKE ME SO THAT HE COULD RESCUE ME! There is no greater Being by which one can be loved, and there is no greater love than the love of God! I am loved by Christ! It is not a chore to read about this Man!

 A girl who gets a letter from her lover never loathes reading it. She can barely breathe while she reads it because of her excitement. If you have gotten caught up in studying and have lost your zeal, take time to "kindle afresh the gift of God"(2 Tim 1:6). Fall in love with God again. Think about what He has done for you! We should not think of reading God's Word as a chore; we should hardly be able to keep our minds off the things of God! Study the Word, and take care that you do not study to merely increase your knowledge. Study to increase your zeal for God and love for others. May we not get caught up in studying a thing, but loving our God.

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