Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Untold Story

There is a silent Holocaust taking place in America. Millions of babies are aborted every year! The only people who know these babies' stories may be the mother and the doctor, but God knows about these lives that are murdered. In fact, He formed these babies and gave them a soul. May this song stir you to action! Speak up for those who are never given a trial! We can not be silent while the innocent perish! We must pray! We must speak! We must Act!

Verse 1
Tiny heartbeat
(A life size replica of a first trimester baby in the womb )
Tiny toes
What you'll look like
No one will ever know

Tiny fingers
No one will ever hold
Your precious life is a story
That will never be told

Verse 2
An empty cradle
You would have used
An empty table
That is missing you

An empty hole
In your mother's heart
An empty role in the world
That is your part

Verse 3
Without a trial
No chance to defend
They decided death
Was your sentence

Your lifeless body
Was thrown away
No tombstone

To mark your grave

Verse 4
Your baby may not
Have a voice
No one may ever
know your choice

But for every act
You will ever do
God will demand
An account from you

Verse 5
Is someone missing
From your world
A baby boy
Or a little girl

There is no sin
God can not forgive
Have faith in Him
And you will live

If you haven't already, be sure to watch Ray Comfort's film on Abortion, 180.  I posted it on my blog in a former post entitled: "One Million Views in 22 Days". Please encourage all your friends to view this short film. They can view it for free at Be creative and think of ways to support life in the womb!

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