Saturday, September 13, 2014

What is Self-Control?

Under Whose Control?

When the Bible mentions self-control as a fruit of the Spirit, what is it talking about? It seems that self-control would be to control one's self; however, this is not the correct definition here. In fact, to be controlled by one's self is not a challenge at all. We all do this by nature. We do what we want to do. It does not take the power of the Spirit to make us decide to take control of our lives. The original sin occurred when Adam and Eve decided to take control themselves. Clearly, Scripture is talking of something else when the term "self-control" is used.

Self control, is to have one's self under the control of the Holy Spirit. This means to have our thoughts, emotions, tongues, and actions submitted to the Holy Spirit. Self control is not just deciding to "behave". It is walking by the Spirit and having ourselves under His control. It is having the attitude of Christ who lived in perfect submission to the Father (John 5:19) and was led by the Spirit (Matt 4:1). Self-control is carried out through the power of the Spirit.

The Keys

Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, not the self. Too often, I have tried to control myself rather than walking in the power of the spirit. In order to walk in the power of the Spirit, I've found that praying and seeking direction from the Spirit are helpful. Taking time to be alone with God, asking for a greater filling of the spirit, and then walking in the Spirit's guidance and power are the keys to being self-controlled.

"But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16)."

Are you walking by the Spirit today? Are you being controlled by Him?

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