Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ashamed of the Gospel

I finished reading "Ashamed of the Gospel (When the Church Becomes Like the World)" by John MacArthur! It is an amazing book that I would recommend to anyone! I came away wishing there was more to read, and with a greater wealth of knowledge and passion for the purity of the Church and the gospel! This book deals with the pragmatism that has infected many churches. Many churches are so consumed with entertaining the goats, that they forget to feed the sheep. Not only this, but many pastors will dance around others feelings trying not to offend them. However, their job is not to make others feel comfortable but let them know the danger they are in and the hope that we have in Christ! If we do not tell others the danger they are in, they will not see their need for Christ. The gospel is offensive often, but that is what we are called to preach. This book is not only helpful for pastors, but all Christians. We are all called to share the gospel. The question is are we ashamed of it?

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