Friday, February 8, 2013

Great Worldview Resource

I learned so much from William J. Federer's DVDs  called Political Islam's War on the West! Mr. Federer gives a fascinating account of the history of Islam. I knew so little about the Islam before watching these! He teaches from a Christian perspective and contrasts the way of Mohammad with the way of Christ. If you know a Muslim and would like to understand them better, or if you'd just like to know more about Islam so that you will be able share the gospel with Muslims better, this would be a great starting point!

 This series is in an interview format, and Mr. Federer is very interesting to watch. If you are still under your parents authority, please have your parent's review it first, and get their permission first. You can also learn the information in this series from his book: What every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an- A History of Islam in the United States. (I have not read the book, but the series is based of the book.) I hope you take time to learn about the religion that has deceived so many. May God have mercy on the Muslims, and may He bring many to faith in Christ!

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