Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Unfathomable Riches

Our family bought some land in the country and we plan to build our house on it. We have been clearing the pasture, cleaning out the old barns, and preparing the house site. As I took a wheelbarrow of sticks to one of the enormous piles of trees that we cleared, the wind blew a small speck of something into my eye. I rubbed my eye and blinked, but it would not come out. I made my way to our van with one eye half open. My other eye was instinctively closing because of the speck, and I could not open it. We poured Visine in my eye, and the speck would not move. It was a tiny barb that was embedded on the inside of my top eyelid. My mom drove to a nearby friend's house, and she tried to use a Q-tip and even a baby spoon to remove it. It would not budge though, so she took me to the clinic where my grandmother works. All the way there, I kept my eyes shut and did not move them so that it would not hurt. I was very thankful when my grandmother successfully removed it!

I was thinking about the whole story though, and it made me realize that often, all I can think about are the tiny things that are causing me discomfort such as that speck. So often, I will focus on the small things that I do not like, and I forget to praise God for the many ways He has blessed me. We truly have to look harder to complain than to give thanks. God has blessed us with unfathomable riches in Christ (Eph. 3:8). We have been forgiven every debt we have ever owed! We have been given the right to be called children of God! Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ! WHAT IS THERE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT? When we remember what God has done for us, it puts our trials into perspective!  Our sufferings are nothing compared to His! We no longer have to face the wrath of God because Christ bore all God's wrath for those who have faith in Him! Do you have a "speck" in your eye? What are you focusing on? Let us praise God for the unfathomable riches He has blessed us with in Christ! 

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