Thursday, April 11, 2013

Semper Reformanda

Our culture is constantly bombarding us with media. The question is,"How are we to navigate through our media-saturated culture in a Christ-like way?" Have we been captivated by the media all around us? Are we a slave to it, or do we use it to advance God's kingdom? Are we simply being entertained, or are we actually being edified? Is there too much media in our lives? Do we need to cut back on how much we use it? Are we constantly on guard against Satan's schemes, or do we shut our brains off and just relax when we turn on the computer, radio, or TV?

I really appreciated the message of Captivated, a wonderful film that caused me to evaluate the way I use media in my own life. Its message convicted me. I hope you take the time to watch Captivated. Do not just watch it, but evaluate your life and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you need to make any changes in this area of your life. Semper reformanda is a Latin term that means "always reforming." Every area of our lives must be reformed to the glory of God. May we glorify God in our media choices; may we be conformed to the image of Christ; and may we never stop reforming!


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