Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness

What's He Searching For?
What is man searching for?  He is pursuing happiness. Yes, this is what I see man searching for. He looks for something to fill the deep emptiness inside of himself. He is constantly consuming but is never able to satisfy his void.

What Does He Need?
Christians often try to address man's felt need for happiness and offer God as the solution to man's emptiness. Happiness is not man's true need though, salvation is.  Peace and joy are legitimate outcomes of salvation; however, Christians will have trials, tribulations, and persecution in this life. It's true that God fills the longing soul, but that is not why we need Him. We need him because we are sinners. We are separated from God because of our sin. We need a right standing with God. Man's greatest need is holiness not happiness! We are all going to die and face God on judgement day. It will not  matter how happy you were in your lifetime. All that will matter on judgement day is if you have been made righteous by the blood of Christ.

Why Should We Share the Gospel?
Sinners can be happy in their sin. They can find gratification from sinning. Eve was not forced to eat the forbidden fruit but did so for her own momentary pleasure. Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat the fruit because it would cause death and separation from God. It was not because it would be unpleasant and they wouldn't be happy. Man does not need God in order to be happy. Man needs God in order to be holy! We need to share the gospel with people because they have sinned and are unrighteous in God's sight. They are headed for hell and their only escape is Jesus Christ. This should be the reason we give a sinner for why they need salvation. The issue is not happiness but holiness and righteousness. It is not this moment but eternity. It is not their life but their death. We must share the gospel! (Originally posted on 1/7/13)

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